Returning an Injured Worker to Modified or Full Duty

The timely return of injured employees to productive workforce roles is one of the key components to recovery from an injury. Release to full duty is the goal; however, modified duty may be necessary. If released to work with limitations, a medical provider’s written report outlining the physical limitations for returning to work is required.

When the employee has been released to full or modified duty, the supervisor and employee have essential roles:

When released to full duty

Role of the Supervisor

• Provide the claims professional or nurse with the release.
• Provide the employee with the date they are to return to work.

Role of the Employee

• Notify your supervisor as soon as you have been released to work.
• Notify your nurse or the CorVel claims professional of your work status.
• Return to work.

When released to modified duty

Role of the Supervisor

• Identify the point of contact for the employee during their work assignment.
• Identify work tasks/assignments within the employee’s restrictions.
• Advise the CorVel claims professional or nurse, the date released, and the expected return to work date.
• Provide the CorVel claims professional or nurse with the completed return to work forms.

Role of the Employee

• Communicate with your supervisor.
• Understand the assignment and expectations.
• Advise your supervisor if there is a change in your medical or work status.
• Follow instructions as directed by your supervisor, nurse, or CorVel claims professional regarding modified duty assignment.

Developing a successful Modified Duty Return to Work Program

A modified duty program is designed to facilitate the earliest possible return of an injured worker to the workplace, performing meaningful work within their physical capabilities. The Guide To Developing A Modified Duty Program provides the key steps necessary for success. Contact Pearl Monroe with questions.

Important Numbers

Dial these numbers if in need.

(240) 777 7644


(800) 422 0009

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